Reiki | pronounced ‘ray-kee’
Reiki is Universal or Vital Life Force Energy and is a holistic Energy healing art founded in Japan by Buddhist monk, Mikao Usui in the late 19th Century.
'Rei' means Universal or Vital and 'Ki' means Energy. It is the Japanese equivalent of 'Chi' (Chinese), 'Prana' ( Sanskrit), and 'Life Force' (English).
How Reiki Works to Restore Balance
Universal Life Force or Universal Energy exists in all living things. 99% of the human body is made up of atoms and Quantum physics teaches us that all systems in the human being, from the atomic to the molecular level, are constantly in motion-creating resonance, in other words - are energy.
We know that the Creative Intelligence of energy nurtures life, sustains vitality, and fosters well-being. When our cells vibrate at higher levels and Chi (energy) flows clearly and strongly, we experience greater physical and psychological vitality, thriving in health. On the other hand, if our 'life force energy' or vibration is low or stagnant, we become more susceptible to illness and stress. When our energy is high and flowing, we become more capable of happiness and good health.
The state and quality of our Chi (energy) are affected by many things - the foods we eat, our stress levels, attitudes and mental state, toxins, pollution, traumas and injuries (whether they be physical or psychological).
Reiki (Vital Life Force Energy), is utilized in Reiki Treatments to elevate the frequency of cells, clear energy stagnation, and enhance strength and flow. Through cumulative sessions, Reiki works like peeling away layers of an onion, gradually restoring the body, mind, and soul to their pure, original state, promoting overall well-being.


A Reiki Practitioner places their hands on client's body and the client, through their Energy Body’s Universal Intelligence, draws the Reiki for as long as the energy is needed in that location.
In some forms of Reiki (particularly Western Reiki) these hand positions are set. In Komyo Reiki Do, being a Traditional Japanese form of Reiki, the positions are ascertained intuitively by the Reiki Practitioner based on the unique and individual needs of each client.
Timing and placement of the hand positions are different in every session for each person, as the Energy gives each person exactly what they need in that particular moment in time. Its Creative Intelligence prioritises where the greatest need is and works from there.
The wonderful thing about Reiki is that in a treatment, the Energy is drawn by and for you. Your own Creative Intelligence knows exactly what is needed for your own restoration, balance and healing. In this way, the Reiki Practitioner is not directing the Energy or getting involved in your healing, but merely acts as a Channel, a conduit to ‘plug’ you in with the Reiki. In other words, it is you that is healing yourself!
Accordingly, a Reiki Practitioner merely helps connect you to the Energy and thereafter holds space for your healing.