Mikao Usui, Tokyo, Japan
A contemplation from Fiona Phillips...
I'd love to share a few thoughts with you about the history of Reiki and how in pursuit of details we risk losing the essence and significance of the story. In this case, the inspiring tale of Mikao Usui, a man who had a burning question, who gave up a normal life in pursuit of finding answers to that question and in finding answers to that question, changed his life and in turn, the lives of millions of others. Let me backtrack a litte. Within the Reiki community, the story of Mikao Usui remains a subject of endless speculation, with various versions attempting to unravel the mystery of his life and the discovery of Reiki. Despite Mikao Usui being a lay Pureland Buddhist, some accounts depict Usui as a devoted Tendai Buddhist Monk, while others suggest he was a Christian Minister who taught at a Christian University. Suggestions of him being the Mayor of Tokyo, studying various subjects or travelling overseas all remain unverified. Records of Usui Sensei's early life are not known, any records about his journey with Reiki were lost in the ravages of war, and his family has remained private about Usui Sensei’s life. Many have relied on the enscription of Usui's Memorial Stone as fact but even that can't be relied on at face value (refer to 'Mikao Usui's Memorial Stone' further down the page for more details around that. As the Reiki community continues its search for the truth, some individuals have made it their life mission to delve into the details. Yet, amidst the quest for factual evidence, the essence of Usui Sensei's story often gets overshadowed. In a powerful radio podcast, Phyllis Furumoto, Takata Sensei's late grand-daughter, reflected on the true value of the Reiki story. She emphasized that beyond information, dates, and places, the essence of the tale carries the most significance. It connects practitioners to their shared lineage and resonates with their own journeys of self-discovery through Reiki. Phyllis muses, "The essence in this story (and the essence of what lies in every single version of the story) is that he had that burning question that propelled him to uproot and change his life as he knew it (and the bravery that would have taken) and instead dedicate his life seeking the answer to that burning question. It propelled him into a search, it changed his life and in that, it changed the life of millions of people on the planet. That is the essence of the story of Reiki, and that is where the power of that story lies." Usui Sensei's place in healing history is not defined by dates, facts or a rigid formula for Reiki practice. Instead, it is shaped by the guideposts and impulses that led him on his unique path of enlightenment. In practicing Reiki, we follow in his footsteps, each driven by our own burning questions, “That question probably brought us to Reiki and we will ‘experiment with it’, we will ‘use it’, we will makes mistakes, we will find that it gives others joy and we will get satisfaction from that, we will experience its healing on all different kinds of levels and still there is something that drives us for the next step, something that we know something is around the next corner”, Phyllis reflects. Ultimately, Mikao Usui's story serves as an inspiration for seekers in all walks of life. His profound journey, driven by an unyielding curiosity, speaks to the human spirit's inherent desire to explore and seek enlightenment. As we embrace the spirit of his quest, we connect with the power of Reiki's healing energy, allowing it to illuminate our own unique paths of growth and discovery. Through his legacy, Usui Sensei continues to ignite the spark of curiosity in each of us, urging us to embark on our own transformative journeys, just as he did. His story resonates across time and space, uniting us in the shared experience of seeking answers to life's deepest questions, and finding healing and joy along the way. Phyllis concludes, "And that’s what Mikao Usui gives us – he gives us this journey that he has done and it allows us to follow the same path that he did but in our own way. Very inspiring story from a man who was simply a man, following his burning question.” I encourage you to listen to the entire radio episode by Phyllis Furumoto (episode 25 March 2010), and particularly, to the story of Reiki, as told to her by her Grandmother, Takata Sensei (it starts at 27:27). Warmest, Fiona x
Reiki was realised by Mikao Usui in 1922.
Mikao Usui was born in Japan on 15 August 1865 in Taniai, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Mikao was the son and grandson of a merchant family whose ancestry can be traced back to the Chiba Samurai clan.

(Mikao Usui)
Very little is known about Usui's younger years.
As the Legend goes, as an adult, Usui had a sharp mind and with an interest in spirituality and all aspects of the human condition, he learnt a broad array of subjects including medicine, psychology, religion and spiritual development.
It has been said that in his later years, Mikao Usui fell into great difficulties and in the face of adversity he strove to train himself even more with the courage never to yield. With deep spiritual seeking likely at heart, it was said that in 1922 Usui climbed Kurama yama (mountain) north of the ancient capital city of Japan, Kyoto, where he fasted and meditated for 21 days.
At the time, he was almost 57 years old, for the time, considered an elderly man given that the average lifespan in Japan in 1922 was just under 43 years old.

(Osugi Gongen Mount Kurama near the site of where Usui was believed to have received Satori)
Image by Stefanie Hackenberg
It was upon that mountain (believed to be March 1922) that he felt one Great Reiki and became Enlightened (or received Satori). The exact date is not known. Usui Sensei came to realise that he had also been given a wonderful gift, a mysterious healing ability in his hands.
After returning home, Usui Sensei wanted to share this wonderful gift with as many people as possible, which was in itself a radical and an extraordinarily generous offering as it was a deeply held tradition in Japan for things like this to be kept within the family, rather than to be shared outside of it in order to ensure the financial security of the family for generations to come.
But Usui broke that tradition, desiring instead to spread Reiki far and wide in order to benefit as many people as possible, and indeed humanity itself.
So he returned to Tokyo, settled in Harajuku, Aoyama in April 1922 and established the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Association) ("URR Gakkai"), which still exists in Tokyo today.
He opened a clinic there are began teaching classes and treating people and in the Great Earthquake of 1923, Usui Sensei offered his Reiki Ryoho to those in need. His fame grew from his healing activities.

(Photo of Mikao Usui Sensei (middle) with his students)
The URR Gakkai was also supported throughout time by the Japanese Imperial Navy:
The 2nd President of the Gakkai was Ushida Juzaburo (Rear Admiral of the Navy).
The 3rd Gakkai President was Taketomi Kanichi (Rear Admiral).
The 5th Gakkai President was Wanami Hoichi (Vice Admiral).
The reason why the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai was supported by the Japanese Imperial Navy is unknown, although it has been suggested that Reiki Ryoho (The Reiki Method) was seen as a useful, convenient, and beneficial tool and healing modality to be able to utilise on board the naval ships.

Photograph of 20 Shihans of Usui Sensei
In 1925 Usui moved out to Nakano (a suburb of Tokyo) to expand his healing activities. Due to his nation-wide fame, Usui Sensei travelled around as he was often invited by local districts like Hiroshima, Saga and Kyushu to teach Reiki Ryoho.
On March 9, 1936, at the age of 61, whilst away at Fukuyama in Hiroshima Prefecture to teach Reiki Ryoho, he passed away from a cerebral haemorrhage. Whilst by today's standards he was fairly young to have died, he lived more than 18 years beyond the average lifespan in Japan at that time, which was quite remarkable.
What is most impressive is that it was merely 4 years from when Usui attained Enlightenment at Mount Kurama and the time he died. Yet within that mere 4 years, both he at Reiki Ryoho became famous in Japan. Moreover, Usui Sensei was only one of many Reijutsu Ka (healing Practitioners) in Japan at that time. It is said that there were some 30,000 Reijutsu Ka but as the founders died so too the Practices or systems they created. The only exception was Usui Reiki Ryoho. In just 4 years of his discovering and then sharing Reiki Ryoho and his death, having been amongst some 30,000 Reijutsu Ka, Usui Reiki Ryoho was one of if not the only one to survive the founder's death. Really quite extraordinary.
By the time of his death, he had taught over 2,000 students of which 20-21 achieved the level of Shihan ("Teacher"). Chujiro Hayashi was the last student to achieve Shihan under Usui Sensei two years prior to Usui's death.
The URR Gakkai to this day still exists and continues to practice Reiki. However, they do not 'teach' Reiki (they merely gather regularly and practice Reiki together). Significantly, after World War II they became a closed and secret group (closed both to the public and to foreigners). As a result, after the War, Reiki was not practiced or even known by anyone in Japan outside of the secretive URR Gakkai.
So how then did Reiki survive outside of the URR Gakkai after World War II and how did it spread then throughout the World?
We have Usui's last Shihan, Hayashi Sensei and his student, Takata Sensei to thank for that. Their story, their forsight and their commitment to Reiki and it's survival is a story nothing short of profoundly inspiring. Click here to read their story.

(Usui Sensei (circled below) and Hayashi Sensei (circled above)
(Mikao Usui in his later years)
Usui Sensei cared deeply about the greater good of humanity, he regarded Reiki as Divine and his goal was to share Reiki and for it to be easily available to everybody, which remained his goal up until his death in 1926.
Thanks to Hayashi Sensei and Takata Sensei, Mikao Usui's vision and goal could well and truly be said to have been achieved.
Pretty remarkable Legacy to reach in the short 4 years between his Enlightenment and his death. We owe a debt of gratitude to his remarkable quest, vision and incredible generosity to share and spread this incredibly simple but powerful healing practice.
Explanation of Reiki by Mikao Usui
Mikao Usui An Interview with Usui Sensei from the Reiki Ryoho Hikkai (Reiki Method Handbook). Translated by Hyakuten Inamoto
From olden days till now, when one created or discovered an original and mystic teaching, he tended only to teach it to his own children, making the teaching a privilege of the family and claiming that the contents of the teaching should be kept confidential within the family, so as to scheme for financial security of one's prosperity. That can be said to be an outdated custom of the last century. It is absolutely not acceptable to privately monopolize a teaching in modern times when co-existence and co-prosperoty of humanity underlie happiness and also when social development is desired. My Usui Reiki Ryoho (healing art) is original, never explored, and incomparable in the world. Therefore it is to be made available for the good of humankind, so that anyone may be blessed with this heavenly gift, that the soul and body may be as one, and heaven-sent well-being may be realised in one's life. Because my Reiki Ryoho is a unique and original art of healing based on the power of the Universe, a person first becomes healty and then soundness of thought and the joys of life are enhanced. The reason I venture to teach openly, at the time like today when improvement and reconstruction of our lives within and without is essential, is to save all fellow countrymen from troubled minds and from sickness and diseases. Q. What is Usui Reiki Ryoho? A. Receiving with profound awe and reverence the teachings of the Emperor Meiji, achieving our Principles, and intending to train and develop the mind and body, first the mind should be healed and secondly the physical body be made healthy so as to walk on the right path of humanity. If the mind is healthy, confirming to a path of integrity, then the body becomes sturdy of its own accord. The mission of Usui Reiki Ryoho is to enhance mutual well-being for oneself and others, on one hand by fulfilling a peaceful and joyful life mentally and physically and, on the other, healing the sick. Q. Is Usui Reiki Ryoho the same as hypnotism, the art of mental healing with Ki-ai, faith healing, and the like, just with a different name? A. No, it is not the same as these other techniques. It is the art of healing the mind and body, which I have realized as a mystic after many years of hard and difficult training. Q. Then, is it the art of a spiritual healing? A. Yes, it can be called the art of a piritual healing, however, it can also be called the art of a physical healing. Ther reason for it is that any part of the physical body of a practitioner radiates the energy and light, particularly from the eyes, mouth and hands. Therefore, by means of gazing at for a few minutes or blowing or strokin the affected part, toothache, colic, stomach ache, neuralgia, breast tumour, bruises, cuts, burns and other swellings and pains can quickly be relieved and gone. However, chronic diseases are not easy to cure. Several treatments are required, yet even chronic disease becomes better with one treatment. There is fact beyond fiction. I wonder how modern medicine can explain this kind of phenomena. If you actually see the fact, you will be sure to acknowledge it. Even those who play around with sophistry cannot ignore the fact. Q. Does one need to believe in Usui Reiki Ryoho so that illness can be cured? A. No, unlike psychological therapy, hypnotism and other mental healing modalities, no consent nor esteem is required, for not a single suggestion is given. Moreover, it matters little whether you may doubt, avoid and deny that. For instance, there is a positive effect on those who lack consciouness, such as infants and/or seriously ill patients. Barely one out of ten people trust and esteem my art of healing before they experience it for the first time. Most people come to trust suddenly after having received treatment once and acknowledged its effect. Q. Does Usui Reiki Ryoho heal diseases only? A. No, not only heal diseases of the physical body but also mental illnesses, (ie. anguish, weakness, cowardice, vacillation, nervousness and other bad habits can be healed. And emphasis is placed on healing others with god-like or Buddha-like mind, and happiness can be mutually shared with other people. Q. Why and how does Usui Reiki Ryoho work? A. I have not be taught this art of healing by anyone under the heavens nor have I studied in order to obtain this mysterious ability to heal. I accidentally realised that I was given the mysterious healing ability when I felt the great power and was inspired by the mystery during a period of fasting. Therefore, as the founder, I find it difficult to give a sure explanation. Scientists and intellectals have been eagerly researching and consider it difficult to confirm with modern science, yet the time will surely come when science can prove it. Q. Does Usui Reiki Ryoho use medicine and are there any harmful effects? A. Medicine and instruments are never employed. Diseases can be healed just by gazing, blowing, stroking, laying on of hands and patting. Q. I don't think just anyone can learn and practice this because such an ability to heal is a Godsend bestowed upon such person. What do you say? A. Not at all, each and every being has an innate ability to heal as a gift from Gods. Ss with grass, trees, birds, fish, and insects, humans particularly, as lords of all beings, develop the healing ability to a great degress. Usui Reiki Ryoho has appeared in the worlds as the embodiment of that gift. Q. Then, can anybody receive Usui Reiki Ryoho teaching? A. Of course, anyone at least with common sense - man or woman, young or old, educated or uneducated - can surely acquire the ability to heal their own disease, as well as that of others, in a short period of time. So far I have taught over a thousand people, and not a single person has failed. All of those with only Shoden (the first level) have acquired the ability to heal diseases successfully. Come to think of it, it seems unbelievable to become able, in a short period of time, to gain the ability to heal diseases, which is the most difficult task for us as humans. But I find it to be a very natural thing. It is a particular feature of my Reiho that the most difficult task can be easily done. Q. So let's say the that we can heal the diseases of others, but can we heal our own diseases? A. How can we heal others if we are unable to heal ourselves? Q. What should one do to advance to Okuden (the second level)? A. In Okuden teachings there is Hatsurei Ho, Uchite Chiryo Ho, Nadete Chiryo Ho, Oshite Chiryo Ho, Enkaki Chiryo Ho, Seiheki Chiryo Ho and others. First of all, one should receive Shoden and then Okuden shall be taught to those with excellent practice, high morals, integrity and earnestness about the path. Q. Is there aything abive and beyond Okuden in Reiki Ryoho? A. There is Shinpiden.

This is the translation of Usui Mikao’s memorial stone by founder of Komyo ReikiDo, Inamoto Hyakuten.
The memorial stone was erected next to the Usui family gravesite in Saihoji Temple of the Jodo Shu (Pure Land) Buddhist sect in Tokyo where generations of the Usui family have also been buried. It was erected by the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in Japan one year after Usui Mikao’s death. This translation is true to the original text and has not been modernised. This is Usui Mikao’s life as seen through the eyes of the Gakkai's members.
While there are many facets of Usui Sensei’s life engraved on this memorial, many are not detailed enough to be certain of his specific training and much has not (and potentially may never) been verified. And whilst one may feel inclined to take what's written on the stone at face value, Justin Stein (renowned Reiki Scholar, Researcher, Philosopher and member of the URR Gakkai) has written a fascinating essay that looks behind the story and words written, providing insight into the historical, cultural and political context within which the memorial was written ( a recommended read for those interested to dive deeper and learn more).
What can be said without any shadow of a doubt, is that this Memorial stone is the fundamental source of the legend of Usui Mikao told by many today.
Translation of Mikao Usui's Memorial Stone (translated by Hyakuten Inamoto)
Memorial of the merits of Usui Sensei, the founder of Reiho (Reiki Ryoho) That which is attained within oneself after having accumulated the fruits of disciplined study and training is called ‘Toku’ and that which can be offered to others after having spread a path of teaching and salvation is called ‘Koh’. Only with high merits and great virtues can one be a great founding teacher. Sagacious and brilliant men of the olden time or the founders of new teachings and religious sects were all like that. Someone like Usui Sensei can be counted among them. Sensei newly founded the method based on Reiki of the universe to improve the mind and body. Having heard of his reputation all over, people crowded around to seek his teachings and treatments. Ah, how popular it is! Sensei, commonly known by the name ‘Mikao’, with an extra name (pseudonym) ‘Gyohan’ is from Taniai-mura (village) Yamagata-gun (county), Gifu-ken (prefecture). He is descended from Chiba Tsunetane. His father’s name was Taneuji and was commonly called Uzaemon. His mother was from the Kawai family. Sensei was born on August 15 of the first year of Keio (C.E.1865). From his youth, he surpassed his fellows in hard work and endeavour. When he grew up, he visited Europe and America and studied in China. Despite his will to succeed in life, he got stuck and fell into great difficulties. However, in the face of adversity he strove to train himself even more with the courage never to yield. One day, he climbed Kurama-yama and after 21 days of a severe discipline without eating, he suddenly felt One Great Reiki over his head and attained enlightenment and he obtained Reiki Ryoho. Then, he tried it on himself and experimented on his family members. The efficacy was immediate. Sensei thought that it would be far better to offer it widely to the general public and share its benefits than just to improve the well-being of his own family members. In April of the 11th year of Taisho (C.E.1922) he settled in Harajuku, Aoyama, Tokyo and set up the Gakkai to teach Reiki Ryoho and give treatments. Even outside of the building it was full of pairs of shoes of the visitors who had come from far and near. In September of the 12th year (C.E.1923) there was a great earthquake and a conflagration broke out. Everywhere there were groans of pains from the wounded. Sensei, feeling pity for them, went out every morning to go around the town, and he healed and saved an innumerable number of people. This is just a broad outline of his relief activities during such an emergency. Later on, as the ‘dojo’ became too small, in February of the 14th year (C.E.1925) the new suburban house was built at Nakano according to divination. Due to his respected and far-reaching reputation many people from local districts wished to invite him. Sensei, accepting the invitations, went to Kure and then to Hiroshima and Saga, and reached Fukuyama. Unexpectedly he became ill and passed away there. It was March 9 of the 15th year of Taisho (C.E.1926) aged 62. His spouse was Suzuki, and was called Sadako. One boy and one girl were born. The boy was named Fuji and he succeeded to the family. Sensei’s personality was gentle and modest and he never behaved ostentatiously. His physique was large and sturdy. He always wore a contented smile. He was stout-hearted, tolerant and very prudent upon undertaking a task. He was by nature versatile and loved to read books. He engaged himself in history books, medical books, Buddhist scriptures, Christian scriptures and was well versed in psychology, Taoism, even in the art of divination, incantation, and physiognomy. Presumably sensei’s background in the arts and sciences afforded him nourishment for his cultivation and discipline, and it was very obvious that it was this cultivation and discipline that became the key to the creation of Reiho (Reiki Ryoho). On reflection, Reiho puts special emphasis not just on healing diseases but also on enjoying wellbeing in life with correcting the mind and making the body healthy with the use of an innate healing ability. Thus, before teaching, the ‘Ikun’ (admonition) of the Meiji Emperor should reverently be read and Five Precepts be chanted and kept them in mind mornings and evenings. Firstly it reads, ‘Today do not anger’, secondly it reads, ‘Do not worry’, thirdly it reads ‘Be thankful’, fourthly it reads, ‘Work with diligence’, fifthly it reads, ‘Be kind to others’. These are truly great teachings for cultivation and discipline that agree with those great teachings of the ancient sages and the wise. Sensei named these teachings ‘Mystic Art to Invite Happiness’ and ‘Miraculous Medicine to ‘Heal All Diseases’; Notice the outstanding features of the teachings. Furthermore, when it comes to teaching, it should be as easy and common as possible, nothing lofty. Another noted feature is that during sitting in silent meditation with Gassho and reciting the Five Precepts mornings and evenings, the pure and healthy minds can be cultivated and put into practice in one’s daily routine. This is the reason why Reiho is easily obtained by anyone. Recently the course of the world has shifted and a great change in thought has taken place. Fortunately with the spread of this Reiho, there will be many who can be helpful to the way of the world and the minds of people. How can it be for just the benefit of healing chronic diseases and longstanding complaints? A little more than 2,000 people became students of Sensei. Those senior disciples living in Tokyo gathered at the dojo and carried on the work (of the late Sensei) and those who lived in local districts also spread the teachings. Although Sensei is gone, Reiho should still be widely propagated in the world for a long time. Ah, how prominent and great Sensei is that he offers the teachings to people out there after having been enlightened within! Of late the fellow disciples consulted with each other about building the stone memorial in a graveyard at Saihoji Temple in Toyotama-gun so as to honour his merits and to make them immortalized and I was asked to write it. As I deeply submit to Sensei’s greatness and am happy for the very friendly teacher/disciple relationships among fellow students, I could not decline the request, and I wrote a summary in the hope that people in the future shall be reminded to look up at him in reverence. February, the 2nd year of Showa (C.E.1927) Composed by: Okada Masayuki, Doctor of Literature Ju-sanmi (subordinate 3rd rank), Kun-santo (the 3rd Order of Merit) Calligraphy by: Ushida Juzaburo, Navy Rear Admiral, Ju-yonmi (subordinate 4th rank), Kun-santo (the 3rd Order of Merit), Ko-yonkyu (the distinguished service 4th class)

Original calligraphy with Mikao Usui's signature

English Translation'Mystic Art to Invite HappinessMiraculous Medicine To Heal All Diseases
Morning and eveningDoing GasshoIn mind bearingWith mouth chantMind/body improvementUsui Reiki Healing ArtTeachings (Principles)FounderMikao Usui'
The Five Reiki Precepts
Dr. Mikao Usui