When embarking on your journey to learn Reiki, the plethora of options for Reiki courses in Melbourne (or anywhere in Australia for that matter) can feel overwhelming. As a certified Japanese Reiki Shihan (Teacher), I've journeyed through my own path learning various systems of Reiki with numerous teachers and I've also had the pleasure of guiding students through their own Reiki pathway. Here's a guide to help you navigate your search for the best Reiki course near you.
The duration of the Reiki course is important. In my experience, a comprehensive Level 1 Reiki course should ideally span two full days. This allows ample time to delve into the history of Reiki, understand the principles o the practice, learn and understand the core practices, receive the vital four Reiju (attunements), and practice working with the energy and hands-on techniques. Courses shorter than this may rush through important elements, compromising the depth of your learning.
Why Two Days?
Reiju Spacing: The four attunements need to be nicely spaced out to help you gradually open up to the energy. Be cautious of course with larger class sizes who offer only one Reiju instead of four.
Learning all the Practices and Hands-On Practice: Sufficient time for learning and understanding the foundational and core practices, with time to practice each of them as well as practical exercises for hands on healing and getting acquainted with the energy ensures you feel confident using Reiki on yourself and others.
Discussion and Sharing: Two days provide a balanced pace for questions, personal and group sharing, which enriches the learning experience.
From my years of practice, learning and now teaching, I can confidently say smaller class sizes make a significant difference. In intimate settings, usually with no more than 4-5 students, each person receives more personalized attention and guidance. This is especially important for:
Reiju Administration: Smaller groups allow the teacher to spend the recommended five minutes per student for each Reiju, enhancing the quality of your attunement.
Individual Attention: More opportunities for one-on-one interaction with the teacher mean you can address personal queries and receive tailored advice.
Community Feel: Smaller classes foster a closer-knit community, making it easier to share experiences and build lasting connections.
Questions to Ask Potential Teachers
When you're looking for a Reiki course, it's essential to ask the right questions. Here are some suggestions to ensure you're making a well-informed decision:
Class Size: "How many students do you accept per class?"
Reiju Details: "How many Reiju will I receive, and how much time is spent on each?"
Post-Course Support: "Do you offer follow-up gatherings or continued mentorship?"
Authenticity in Reiki teaching is marked by the lineage of the teacher. Ensure your prospective teacher can trace their lineage back to Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki. This lineage guarantees that the teachings you receive are rooted in tradition and authenticity.
Western vs. Japanese Reiki
There are notable differences between Western and Japanese Reiki. Western Reiki, or Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho, often includes new-age elements and does not teach some traditional spiritual Reiki practices or techniques. Japanese Reiki, like the Komyo ReikiDo I teach (and Jikiden Reiki), stays closer to the original methods of Usui Sensei, the founder of Reiki, emphasizing simplicity and deep spiritual practice which is indicative of authentic Eastern Practices.
Which System Resonates with You?
Research the different systems and see which one you feel drawn to. As you can see from my training, I have studied and at various times practices both Western, Japanese and hybrid systems of Reiki and personally, I found Japanese Reiki’s deep spiritual practice and traditional roots most resonant and fulfilling. In my experience, the integrity of the original practices significantly deepened by spiritual path and enhanced the quality of the Reiki I channel for me and my clients.
Trust what you are most drawn to. Like me, you may find you end up exploring more than one over time until you find the one that really speaks deeply to you.
The integrity and experience of the teacher are paramount. Look for someone with a robust personal Reiki practice and significant teaching experience. Genuine teachers embody the principles of Reiki in their daily lives, offering insights and support that go beyond just the course content.
Indicators of a Good Teacher
Dedicated Practice: A teacher with a daily Reiki practice beyond the minimum brings deeper insights and authenticity to their teaching.
Experience: Long-term experience and a strong professional background in Reiki are crucial.
Student Support: Look for teachers who offer ongoing support, such as regular practice meet-ups and continued mentorship.
My advice would be to contact them and have a good in-depth discussion. Ask them lots of questions about their experience with Reiki, their daily practice and what they've learnt and gained from their practice over the years. And trust your instinct. Feel their energy and trust whether it's something that resonates with you.
In traditional Japanese Reiki, learning Reiki was not done 'workshop' style over 1 or 2 days. Students regularly attended the Dojo ('the place of the way
or the place of practice), weekly or fortnightly for years. They continued to receive Reiju at the gatherings as well as instruction and mentoring from their Teacher (or 'Master' as some call it in the West). This was vital to broadening and deepening their practice.
Reiki is a lifelong journey. Regular practice and continued learning are vital. Ensure your teacher provides opportunities for ongoing engagement through follow-up gatherings and additional attunements. This continued connection helps sustain and deepen your practice.
When searching for a Reiki course near you, prioritize the quality of teaching and the depth of the learning experience over cost or even proximity. Look for small class sizes, authentic lineage, comprehensive course content, and a teacher who offers ongoing support. These factors will significantly impact your journey with Reiki, setting you up for a profound and lasting connection with this beautiful practice.
If you have any questions, or want to chat to more about Reiki please contact me and we can arrange a time to chat. If you would like to book a Reiki session in Melbourne (or distance Reiki worldwide), you can book an appointment here or if you would like to learn Reiki yourself, sign up for Melbourne Reiki courses here. I look forward to connecting with you for Reiki!
Warmest wishes,
Fiona x
Fiona Phillips
Certified Reiki Shihan (Teacher) and Practitioner
Komyo ReikiDo in Melbourne
Within The Space