Reiki has gained momentum globally as a gentle yet powerful practice for restoring balance and promoting well-being. There are now over 900 hospitals around the world ( and growing) offering Reiki to patients, with studies increasingly indicating benefits for physical healing, mental well-being.
More and more, people are also looking for ways to empower themselves not only in their own healing, but in their own happiness and well-being and many are learning Reiki for themselves, in order to have the tools and capacity to literally, take their healing into their own hands.
Some of the most common questions I get asked from people interested in learning Reiki is 'who can learn Reiki?', 'do I need a special talent to learn Reiki?', 'what if I can't do Reiki?' and 'what If I'm not good at Reiki?.' These last two questions always make me smile, one, because I asked those very same questions myself before learning Reiki and two, because they're almost like saying, 'what if I can't learn to breathe?'.
The reality is that ALL human beings have an innate capacity to channel Reiki, after all, we are Reiki(which translated means vital life-force energy) and everything around us is that same energy. A Reiki course, serves as a gateway to unlocking our innate capacity to channel Reiki and the transformative potential of harnessing the energy through comprehensive training, practical techniques, and spiritual guidance.
There are now over 100 different systems of Reiki world-wide and it may surprise you to learn that around only half of them genuinely teach Reiki, so it's important to know what to look out for when selecting a Reiki Course in Melbourne.
The main things to know is which system is genuinely teaching Reiki, which Reiki system is the best one to learn and what factors to look for when trying to find a Reiki Shihan (Teacher/Master) to learn with.
The best part of learning Reiki is that anyone can learn it, no special skills or talents are required and it is easy to learn and practice.
Before beginning our exploration about Reiki courses, let's start with what Reiki is. Reiki is translated as 'universal vital, life-force energy'. It is the energy that is in all living things and around us. It is the life giving and life-sustaining energy. It is also pure, unconditional, loving and compassionate energy.
The practice of Reiki involves a system of practices designed to promote happiness,, healing and spiritual enlightenment (or absolute inner leave), designed to be a daily practice that over time, helps us to deepen our practice and cultivate these things.
Originating in Japan in the early 20th century, founded by Mikao Usui, Reiki as a practice is incredibly simple to learn and practice yet encompasses profound depth, fostering a deep connection between mind, body, and spirit.
Exploring Reiki Courses in Melbourne:
For newcomers curious about Reiki's healing potential, introductory courses offer an immersive experience into its fundamental principles and practices.
First thing's first, when seeking out a Reiki course in Melbourne, make sure the course is in-person, not online. Through a series of Reiju (Attunements), an energic ritual and transfer from Teacher to student, student's energy channels are opened up and they are reminded of their innate healing ability, after which, they are to continue the daily practices and techniques taught, to continue to open up as a Channel. This can only be done in person and for it to be 'Reiki', is must have come through the lineage of Mikao Usui. For that reason, avoid online courses full stop.
Also make sure your Reiki Shihan/Teacher or Reiki Master (a term only used in Western Reiki) can show you their lineage tracing back to the founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui. Only those with such a lineage, practice genuine and authentic Reiki. An example of lineage is here where, for example, you can see my name at the botton and various Teachers before me, linking back directly to Mikao Usui. That's what is meant by Reiki Lineage tracing back to Mikao Usui. If a Reiki Teacher refuses to show you their lineage before you sign up for their class, be very cautious. There is no good reason for secrecy around lineage.
Western Reiki Courses vs Japanese Reiki Courses
The content of a Reiki course varies greatly depending on the system being taught. Some systems have incorporated new-age techniques, while others have stripped away traditional practices. Choosing between a system closer to the original or a more contemporary approach depends on personal preference, each offering unique strengths as a healing modality.
Western Reiki
Western Reiki, often called Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho, traces its roots back to Hawayo Takata, who brought Reiki to the West. During World War II, as a result of hostilities between the West and Japan, some of the foundational spiritual practices were removed from her Teaching so as not to appear 'too Japanese'. Most practitioners of Western Reiki, to this day, are unaware not only that practices were removed but that they exist at all. Over time, additional non-Reiki practices have been integrated, perhaps to find other ways to connect more deeply to the practice, complicating the distinction between Reiki and other modalities.
Japanese Reiki
Japanese Reiki, on the other hand, has seen a resurgence in recent years, with practitioners reintroducing traditional spiritual practices to the whole set of practices. Those practices eliminated in the West, were now being taught in Japanese Reiki. The aim of the Japanese systems of Reiki is to preserve the known original Japanese practices taught by the Founder of Reiki, Usui Sensei, which emphasized healing, spirituality and the importance of simplicity to promote deeper healing (to avoid dilution or distraction). Some Japanese systems, like Komyo ReikiDo, prioritize simplicity by teaching only the traditional practices with minimal additional elements.
Finding Balance
While some advocate for allowing Reiki to evolve, others argue for preserving the original teachings of Usui Sensei, relying on his enlightened wisdom of the intricate power of the system of practices he designed. I don't mind evolution but I also trust in the wisdom of Usui as an enlightened Master and trust his system of teaching contains all that is needed to obtain the goal of happiness, health and absolute inner peace.
Personal Experience
Having explored and practiced various Western and Japanese Reiki systems, including Gendai Reiki and Komyo ReikiDo, for me the proof was in the pudding. In my experience, in ways the others did not, the depth and efficacy of practices in Komyo ReikiDo with its focus on traditional methods and simplicity and with a heavy emphasis on the spiritual practices to support the healing practices, have led to profound personal healing and spiritual growth, enhancing the quality of care provided to clients in a way the other systems did not.
Different systems of Reiki offer a different number of levels, some offer 3 levels (the 3rd commonly divided unto 2 parts) and some offer as many 7. Most commonly, 3 is standard. For the purpose of this article I will outline what is taught in Komyo ReikiDo and what I teach in each level.
Reiki Level I: Shoden
Reiki Level I courses is considered the beginner's level, although I much prefer to think of it as the foundation level. All the essential daily practices are taught which will remain the student's daily practice forevermore, regardless of the higher levels they may complete.
Students in this course delve into the fundamental principles of Reiki, including the concept of energy , the significance of Reiju (Attunements)(of which they receive 4), techniques for generating, accumulating and utilising energy for healing, spiritual connection, self-healing, healing others, and practices to promote happiness, health and inner peace (which is the fundamental goal of Reiki practice).
Level I emphasizes establishing a strong foundation in Reiki practice and cultivating intuitive abilities. The focus is primarily on self-healing, as well as learning hands-on healing techniques for friends, family, animals, and plants. You can read more about the Level I Reiki Course here.
Reiki Level II: Chuden
Reiki Level II courses build upon the foundation established in Level I, offering participants a deeper exploration of energy healing techniques and spiritual development.
During these courses, practitioners delve into the significance and applications of sacred symbols, learning how to utilize them effectively in their practice for different situations and purposes. They also learn distant healing methods, enabling them to extend their healing abilities beyond physical proximity.
Additional advanced traditional Reiki techniques are introduced, such as methods for clearing toxins and addressing addictive behaviors. Participants also learn a powerful finishing technique called Zenshin Kekko, which helps circulate the blood and promote overall well-being.
Level II empowers practitioners to strengthen their connection with Reiki energy, deepen their spiritual understanding, and expand their healing capabilities.
At this level, the focus shifts towards working with Reiki on others and, for those who are interested, preparing for professional practice. You can read more about the Level II Reiki course here.
Level III - Okuden
At this level, students deep dive into the spiritual philosophy and aspects of practice, drawing on and further contemplating their own personal Reiki experiences to date alongside learning deeper spiritual philosophical concepts which underpin Reiki as a spiritual practice. At this level, students also learn the 'Master' symbol (a terms coined in the West), connecting them to a powerful aspect of Reiki energy. This level is commonly known as the spiritual level and is for those students who have a yearning to dive further and deeper into the spiritual aspect of the practice and our existence. You can read more about the Level III Reiki course here.
Level IV - Advanced Reiki Training (ART) and Shihan/Master/Teacher Level:
This level is for those committed students with a deep and connected experience with their practice and practicing on others, who want to teach Reiki. This level revisits all the lower levels from the perspective of teaching the material and referring back to the student's own journey and experiences to deepen their own understanding of the materials. In this Reiki course, ethical considerations are discussed and considered, preparing practitioners for the role of Reiki Shihans/Masters/Teachers. This level focus on all the material, techniques, symbols and concepts of all the levels, honing in on teaching skills, conducting Reiju/attunements, and fostering a deep understanding of Reiki's spiritual lineage. You can read more about the Level IV Reiki course here.
Finding the right Reiki Shihan (Teacher/Master) for you is incredibly important. Your relationship with your Reiki Teacher is beyond the two days or so of the course's duration. They will be your continued guide and support, post course and they will provide you will wisdom, based on their own experience and spiritual understanding, as you continue to grow and deepen your own practice and spiritual path.
In order to choose the nest Reiki Teacher (Master) for you, a variety of factors come into plat, the instructor's credentials, course content, teaching methodology, and personal resonance with their approach are crucial factors to weigh. Additionally, seeking recommendations from reliable sources and attending introductory workshops can provide valuable insights into the suitability of a particular course.
One crucial aspect to prioritize is the spiritual practice and experience of the teacher. Look for someone with a dedicated daily practice and a robust professional Reiki background, allowing them to cultivate deep insight, knowledge, and wisdom over time. Seek out individuals with profound spiritual depth and understanding, ensuring they embody the principles they teach. Reiki is not merely a skill but a way of life—a commitment to a way of being.
Beware of quick certifications or teachers lacking hands-on experience, as true mastery requires ongoing dedication and immersion in the practice. Engage in conversations with potential teachers to gauge their experience, inquire about their personal journey and insights, and assess the depth of their wisdom. Trust your gut. It will guide you. Sometimes Teachers may have a long list of credentials, and have been practicing for many years, they may even hold positions of authority within their system or in the Reiki community but that doesn't mean they have a depth of practice or spiritual understanding that you are seeking in a Teacher. The energy in our instincts is sometimes the best guide of all, free from those other more impressive distractions.
Trust your instincts and intuition when selecting a teacher, as you can sense authenticity and depth of practice. Remember, finding the right teacher may be challenging, but prioritizing authenticity and commitment will lead you to a rewarding Reiki journey.
Class size is often overlooked when seeking our a Reiki course but it plays a significant role in the Reiki learning experience. I recently had two students who came from a vey highly regarded and popular Reiki course, disappointed by the lack of heart and connection in the course and the lack of individual experience. They felt like they were one in a crowd of people which they felt really impacted their capacity to connect with the energy, the practices and to the learn what they wanted and needed.
Reiki courses can vary from larger groups of 10-20 students to smaller groups of 4-5 or even less. The ideal class size is crucial for fostering a personal and intimate learning environment, essential for the deep exploration of Reiki principles.
In larger groups, the personal connection can be lost amidst the crowd, leaving students feeling like just one among many. This lack of intimacy can hinder the ability to open up and share experiences comfortably, an integral part of the Reiki journey. Conversely, smaller groups allow teachers to cater to each student's individual needs effectively. This personalized approach enables students, should they wish, to delve into their emotions, experiences, and ask questions with ample time for exploration and support.
Moreover, in smaller classes, students receive the necessary attention during practices and attunements. Each student typically receives four Reiju over the two-day course, alongside learning the curriculum and engaging in hands-on healing. In larger groups, the time required for individual attunements may be compromised due to the sheer number of participants. This rushed approach diminishes the quality of the energy transfer, a vital component of Reiki training.
Smaller class sizes facilitate a more focused and intimate learning experience, allowing sufficient time for course material, discussions, and practical exercises. This personalized approach ensures that each student receives the attention and support needed to deepen their understanding and practice of Reiki. Therefore, when considering Reiki courses, prioritize smaller class sizes for an optimal learning journey.
Incorporating Reiki into your daily routine can be challenging, often presenting one of the greatest obstacles to practitioners. In my experience, it is probably one of the greatest aspects of the practice. The practices themselves are simple and easy to do, but creating a daily habit, is a whole other thing!
It's not uncommon for individuals to embark on their Reiki journey only to abandon their practice over time. It's something I have witnessed over and over again. This pattern highlights a significant issue with many Reiki courses in the West – the lack of continued mentoring and support. In traditional Japanese Reiki, students had weekly gatherings with their Teacher and ongoing support and mentorship. And whilst weekly gathering may not be practical these days, the regular gathering and mentoring is still possible and helpful for students.
Effective Reiki training should extend beyond the initial course, providing ongoing guidance and opportunities for practice. Continued mentorship and scheduled meet-ups play a crucial role in helping students establish regular practice habits and deepen their spiritual connection. I've been practicing for many years now and despite my extensive experience, I still consult with various Reiki Masters/Shihans and will do until my last breath. I still get so much value from out discussions and sharing of experiences. Reiki is not merely a two-day course but a lifelong journey of healing and growth. Therefore, having access to ongoing support and a community of like-minded peers is invaluable.
A dedicated teacher should offer both mentorship and group practice sessions to nurture their students' development. These opportunities not only provide motivation and accountability but also foster a sense of camaraderie and shared learning. By engaging with peers and mentors, students can gain insights, support, and encouragement, enhancing their Reiki experience and ensuring long-term commitment to their practice.
When selecting a Reiki teacher, prioritize those who offer continued mentorship and group practice sessions. These elements are essential for sustaining and enriching your Reiki journey beyond the initial training, ensuring ongoing growth and spiritual connection.
Embarking on a Reiki course in Melbourne isn't just about learning new skills—it's a profound voyage of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth. As we immerse ourselves in the wisdom of Reiki, we unlock our innate potential to catalyze transformation, both within ourselves and in others. Within Melbourne's vibrant holistic community, Reiki courses shine as guiding beacons, illuminating the path toward holistic wellness and spiritual awakening.
Like any practice, Reiki thrives on consistent, dedicated daily engagement. The more we invest in it, the more it enriches our lives. My own journey with Reiki has been a testament to this truth—each day brings new insights and revelations. As my teacher wisely shared, "the more Reiki opens and expands your heart, the more Reiki reveals itself to you." This continuous evolution is truly remarkable.
Another teacher once aptly described Reiki as "Freedom," and I couldn't agree more. It offers liberation in every sense imaginable.
Prepare yourself for an extraordinary journey of healing and self-discovery! Wishing you all the best as you embark on your Reiki path. If you have any questions or simply want to chat further about Reiki and your journey, please don't hesitate to reach out and we can arrange a time to chat.
Fiona x
Fiona Phillips
Certified Reiki Shihan (Teacher) and Practitioner
Within The Space | Melbourne