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Chemo Care Package, Gift Ideas and Support Tips

Updated: Jan 30, 2024

Find a Unique Gift for a Loved One with Cancer and/or undergoing Chemo - Within The Space - End of Life Doula Melbourne

When a dear life-long friend was diagnosed with Cancer and was about to embark on an aggressive course of chemo, it rocked my world. I desperately wanted to do something to show my support and love, to give her something personalised and meaningful that would help her get through the challenges ahead of her, but at the time, I felt lost and utterly overwhelmed.

As a Reiki Practitioner, I often work with clients with potentially life limiting illnesses and with clients at end of life. I have a particular passion for this work and I have trained as an End of Life Doula in order to deepen my work with my clients (although I do not work as an EOL Doula in its own right). Being blessed to be part of a beautiful community of End of Life Doulas trained by Preparing the Way, I reached out to them for help. These Doulas frequently work with clients undergoing chemo, some Doulas are nurses in Oncology or Palliative Care and some have survived cancer themselves. If anyone was going to be able to help guide me, it was them!

And I wasn’t wrong. I was blown away and deeply touched by their responses to my call-out. Their suggestions made me feel like I could do something special at a time I felt so devastated and helpless.

From all their suggestions, I carefully selected items that I knew my friend would love or use the most, and I grouped and wrapped them into 'themes', adding little explanatory notes and personal jokes inside each package to make her laugh. She was absolutely overwhelmed with the amount of care and thought that went into each gift in her chemo care hamper. She said she couldn’t have felt more loved or supported. Mission accomplished!

My goal now, is to pay it forward, to help you and others feel the same way by sharing the suggestions, supportive words and wisdoms offered to me by my extraordinary Doula Community. This booklet is the compilation of them all.

If you are using this document for yourself, some suggestions will apply to your person, some won't, the idea here is to select and disregard as you choose (you know your person best!). I've kept the Doulas' explanations next to some of the suggestions, as they may help you think of other ideas, based on that particular wisdom or need discussed. Personalise it as you see fit and get creative with it! Wishing you and your loved one a gentle journey and all the love in the world.

Feel free to share the link to this article or the document either amongst your friends, family, community or in any profession or industry where you feel these suggestions and wisdoms may be useful.


Fiona x

Fiona Phillips

Certified Reiki Shihan (Teacher) & Practitioner



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